Sunday, August 23, 2009

analyzing analytics...XD

Finally, my last blog for our subject Data Mining under Mr. Mon Duremdes. I deeply regret that I have failed giving my 100% in my previous blogs. Hopefully, I will make up with this last one. (hehehe..XD)

Topic for this blog is about Web Analytics.....

So... what is Web Analytics?...

According to "Web analytics is the process of analyzing the behavior of visitors to a Web site. The use of Web analytics is said to enable a business to attract more visitors, retain or attract new customers for goods or services, or to increase the dollar volume each customer spends."

To reach the full potential of Web Analytics, it is necessary to understand and implement the following strategies:

Yes, we've all heard of the phrase "The customer is always right."... And it really is essential for every business to always side with the customer even though he/she is being unreasonable. What the customer wants... the customer gets... eventually... ;p

Companies should focus on what the customers actually want than what they think the customers want.

Once you've known these things, you can integrate it into your websites. Find out which of the things in your site create the most traffic. According to Mr. Avinash Kaushik, author of "Web Analytics: An Hour A Day"....

"Website Traffic comes from purchase is about 15-25%. And others comes from research , look for job, check on their order status, email complaints, check prices, learn more about the company, download images and/or other data."

Your goal is to shift from short-term to long-term analytics of customer centricity. Short-term meaning measuring how the website is delivering for your company. And Long-term meaning solving for your customer’s needs.

To be able to be successful in implementing a Customer Centricity mindset, you might want to try the "Trinity Approach".


Three characteristics:

a.) They are usually open-ended and at a much higher level, leaving you room to think and add value.

b.) They likely require you to go outside your current systems and sources to look for data and guidance in order to measure success.

c.) They rarely include columns and rows into which you can plunk data you already have.
One can have an effective web analytics program if they know how to ask real business questions, understand those business questions, and have the freedom to do what it takes to find answers to those questions.

Follow the 10/90 Rule!
"Through my humble experience in this field I have developed a rule to fix this problem and achieve Magnificent Success. I call it the 10 / 90 rule. Here it what it says……..
  • Our Goal: Highest value from Web Analytics implementation.

  • Cost of analytics tool & vendor professional services: $ 10.

  • Required investment in “intelligent resources/analysts”: $ 90.

  • Bottom-line for Magnificent Success: Its the people. "


"It is our responsibilities, not ourselves, that we should take seriously.”
Peter Ustinov,British actor and writer

Companies should know which models/methods are implemented in their workplace and which of those truly maximizes the capabilities and profitability of their companies.

To be able to truly identify those stuff, they can hire web analysts to better understand.

These are the characteristics of a great web insights analysts:

•They have used more than one web analytics tool extensively.
•They frequent the Yahoo! Web analytics group and the top web analytics blogs.
•Before doing any important analysis, they visit the website and look at the pages.
•Their core approach is customer centric.
•They understand the technical differences between page tagging, log files, packet sniffing, and beacons.
•They are comfortable in the quantitative and qualitative worlds.
•They are avid explorers.
•They are effective communicators.
•They are street smart.
•They play offense not just defense.
•They are survivors.

(You can also check out my groupmates' blogs for other related information)
-Mr. Charles Tugade
-Ms. Daniellene Benig
-Ms. Julie Nolasco
-Ms. Jerika Hemedez

"In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”
Theodore Roosevelt,26th president of the U.S.